In case you didn't know, Amazon has their Prime Membership available for purchase which has great benefits. You can purchase their "prime" membership here
Why should I care?
I'm also a Netflix member. I have their 1 DVD per month deal for $10 per month. The streaming quality is good, but their selection "could" be much better. Until today, the only other alternative at that price range was Hulu Plus, which I avoided. Hulu plus seems to be geared towards people who are more interested in TV shows... which I am not. And they have commercials??? But now that there's Amazon in the mix... oh... yeah ==> Competition = "good for customers".
How's the Amazon's Selection?
So far, it looks like Netflix is significantly better. I'm hoping this will change soon. However, Amazon's offers instant streaming PLUS all of their Amazon Prime benefits for $7/month. Netflix offers the instant streaming and only 1 DVD (at a time) checkout at $10/month.
Netflix or Amazon Prime?
Your mileage will vary, but I'm leaning towards Amazon Prime as a better value at this point, especially if you do not have Netflix or any other instant streaming service. They are almost two very different types of service now. But I'm hoping Amazon's instant streaming library will beef up soon. I have both, so I'll see how the Amazon service is and let you all know in the future.
One thing is clear... no matter who you are, this is great news. Happy Streaming everyone!